Upcoming Events at St. Paul’s Monastery and Benedictine Center

Join the Sisters of St. Paul's Monastery for the many 2024 upcoming events this spring and summer that mark our Benedictine way of life here at the Monastery.

Volunteers are needed to help make each of these a success (see links in each event for more information or contact Jason Wittak, Events and Volunteer Coordinator at 651-777-8181, ext 409 or jwittak@stpaulsmonastery.org).

Sponsors are crucial to empowering the Sisters to host all guests as Christ. For more information on making a sponsorship gift please contact Travis Salisbury, Director of Mission Advancement, at 651-777-8181, ext 403 or tsalisbury@stpaulsmonastery.org. Gifts of all sizes make an impact!

Imagining Joy: Discover the Path to Deeper Joy in Your Life
Facilitators: Peter Watkins and Jennifer Frenz

Have you ever found yourself yearning for more joy? If so, we extend a warm invitation to join our upcoming joy retreat.

Register for Imagining Joy

The Way of the Light: A Retreat on Hope
Facilitators: Sister Paula Hagen, OSB and Christine Jurisich

Cultivating hope requires tending. Be inspired to make choices that can open your mind, heart, and soul to the gift of hope, which is already within you.

Register for the Hope Retreat

Volunteer Appreciation Night in conjunction with the Hill-Murray School Student Artists' Reception

4:00pm Volunteer Social Hour
5:00pm Evening Prayer
6:00-7:30pm Reception with Students

Volunteers Needed Register to attend

Spring Day of Service beautifying the Monastery Grounds

Volunteers are needed to help clean up the Grotto and the other wonderful gardens at St. Paul's Monastery. Join us at 8:00am and stay through midday prayer! Many volunteers needed! Join us!

Volunteer for Clean Up Day

Reverencing Earth Writing Retreat
With Kathy Fleming and Victor Klimoski

This day of reflection celebrates the mysterious ways the gifts of creation influence our inner lives.

Register for the Writing Retreat

Final Oblation

Join Sisters, Associates, and Oblates for 5:00pm Evening Prayer to honor our Oblate Candidates for final oblation (will also be livestreamed).

Call 651-777-8181 to reserve your place at Prayer and Dinner.

Sand, Symbol, and Source: A Soul Exploration
With Sheryl Lyndes Stowman, M. Div.

In this retreat, we will take the time for a deeper exploration of your soul, in order to come into contact with what is present and unfolding.

Register for this Retreat

2nd Sunday Brunch to host guests and former members of St. Paul's Monastery

Join the Sisters and Former Members for 10:00am Morning Prayer, 11:00am Mass, and 12:00pm Sunday Brunch. All are welcome.

Register for 2nd Sunday Mass & Brunch

Livestream of the Annual Sisters' Retreat

Every year the Sisters go on retreat during Founding Month. The morning (9:30am) and afternoon (3:00pm) conferences are livestreamed for Oblates and others. Volunteers are essential in providing this ministry.

Livestream Volunteers Needed!

Priory Preserve Pilgrimage

Walk the 1.5 nature trail through the Priory Preserve (former property of the Sisters). This prayer walk was very popular last summer! Don't miss out! Starts with 8:00am prayer and goes until 11:00am.

Register for Pilgrimage

Founding Day Mass & Cookout

Join the Sisters celebrating Founding Day (76th anniversary) with Mass at 11:30am followed by a cookout of burgers, brats, and more out in the courtyard. Kids eat free!

Register for Mass & Cookout

Blessing of Commemorative Pavers

Join the Sisters for Mass at 11:00am and blessing of new pavers purchased and installed this last year (and those replaced due to wear and tear). Brunch follows the blessing in the dining room.

Register for Mass and Brunch

Feast of Saint Benedict

Join the Sisters for Mass on the Feast of Saint Benedict and celebrating our Jubiliarian Sister Susan Bourauel!

Contact the Sisters at 651-777-8181 to reserve a space at Mass and for the Sunday brunch.

2nd Sunday Brunch honoring the Benedictine CARE Wellness Program

Join the Sisters for 11:00am Mass and for the Sunday Brunch that follows. This special brunch will include wonderful information on the newest ministry of the Benedictine Center: Benedictine CARE Wellness.

Register for 2nd Sunday Mass & Brunch

Poetic Medicine: To Awaken Soulfulness in the Human Voice

You are invited to dip into a safe and creative circle in which we’ll explore themes vital to meaning making in our lives.

Register Now for Poetic Medicine

Join the Sisters each day for their liturgical celebrations. Please do call 651-777-8181 to let the Sisters know to expect you (especially if you'd like to stay after for a meal). There isn't always a Sister at the welcome desk to let you in once prayer begins. Informing the Sisters of your attendance allows them to wait for you if you are running late.