The Feast of our founder St. Benedict is July 11. It is a very special time of celebration. Our Order, founded over 1500 years ago, means that Benedictines are the oldest religious community. I believe that this speaks to the depth and breadth of the foundation that St. Benedict built.
When I am working with the youth, I have opportunities to explain Benedictine life to them. When they hear that Benedictines are 1500 years old, I usually ask “Don’t I look good for being 1500 years old?” Then they laugh or their jaws drop. I have to admit, this is one way I know whether or not the students are paying attention. And they are: Our youth are listening and looking to us for wisdom and guidance.
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A Message from the Sisters of St. Benedict of St. Paul’s Monastery
May 2020
We offer our prayers for the family and for all who are grieving the tragic death of George Floyd.
Much work is needed to address the inequity of our day. We pray for justice and peace for all in our local community and across the nation. Pope Paul VI told us, “If you want peace work for justice.” May we all work together for the justice and peace that our world so desperately needs.
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June 2020 E-Newsletter
May 2020
Many years ago, I attended a contemplative prayer retreat at our Monastery. It was lead by Sister Ludwiges Fabian, a Tutzing Missionary Benedictine. She introduced me to a lovely story which I would like to share with you. Consider yourself as the bamboo tree in the story below.
The story calls us into a deeper understanding of how we can serve as to bring life to others. We experience joy not in being praised or being accepted but in feeling how we function as a channel.
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Monastery Virtual Open Door and Support a Sister Fundraiser
May 2020
Truly, the world is living in remarkable days, and it is no different here at St. Paul’s Monastery. Please know that we have missed seeing you—our dear friends—face to face, and we long for the day we can celebrate together again in person.
Even though the Monastery is currently not able to physically accept guests, the Sisters of St. Paul’s Monastery still seek to serve and welcome all as Christ in whatever way we can. In addition to each Sister’s personal prayers, our Community gathers three times each day for Liturgy of the Hours, a prayer that calls each of us to reach out to our world in need.
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Reflection on John 14:1-12
May 2020
This scripture passage, John 14:1-12, gives us a lot of food for thought. We have one of the “I am” statements so familiar in John’s Gospel. We have the disciples trying to process everything Jesus is telling them—and Jesus is teaching the disciples directly, no parables this time (although some say the “I am” statements…
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Mother’s Day Prayer
May 2020
Happy Mother's Day from the Sisters of St. Benedict of St. Paul's Monastery! We hope you are blessed by this special prayer for mothers. Moms—relax and enjoy today!
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