Category Archives: 2022

March 2022 E-Newsletter

March 2022
We, as Benedictines, look forward to the month of March for it gives us the opportunity to celebrate one of the two feast days set aside to remember St. Benedict. On March 21, Benedictines around the world celebrate the “transitus” of St. Benedict, the day Benedict entered eternity. “Transitus” in Latin means passing from one state to the next— death is not the end of life, but the transition into eternity with God. It is one of two days that St. Benedict is recognized on the Benedictine calendar. Since this feast day is always during Lent, another commemoration date was set when Pope Paul VI declared St. Benedict the Patron of Europe at the rededication of the Church at Monte Cassino on July 11, 1964. July 11 is the Feast of St. Benedict for the Universal Church. Only Mary, the mother of Jesus and John the Baptist are remembered with both their birthdays and their day of entry into heaven.
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February 2022 E-Newsletter

January 2022
Happy New Year to you! At the Monastery, we do not celebrate with loud noisemakers and cheering at midnight to welcome in the New Year, nor do we celebrate New Year’s like the Romans by offering sacrifices to Janus (a Roman god), exchanging gifts, attending parties, and decorating with laurel branches. As a monastic community, we do not celebrate in the shadow of the secular world. Instead, we celebrate a Holy Day of Obligation, The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God who is the Author of Life in the mystery of salvation. "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me."
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Online Winter Marketplace

January 2022
From January 15-30, 2022, St. Paul's Monastery is hosting an Online Winter Marketplace, featuring unsold items from Christmas at the Monastery 2021 with significant discounts. Shop now before these items run out!
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January 2022 E-Newsletter

January 2022
Happy New Year to you! At the Monastery, we do not celebrate with loud noisemakers and cheering at midnight to welcome in the New Year, nor do we celebrate New Year’s like the Romans by offering sacrifices to Janus (a Roman god), exchanging gifts, attending parties, and decorating with laurel branches. As a monastic community, we do not celebrate in the shadow of the secular world. Instead, we celebrate a Holy Day of Obligation, The Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God who is the Author of Life in the mystery of salvation. "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me."
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Sisters’ Words of Wisdom: S. Carol Rennie, OSB

October 2000
Sisters' Words of Wisdom: Sister Carol Rennie, OSB   Here is a photograph from 1929 of Sister Carol at four years-old. She is holding a beloved cat she had growing up. Sister Carol has always been a lifelong lover of cats! Sister Carol Rennie, OSB is originally from St. Cloud, Minnesota and came from a…
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