Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sisters’ Words of Wisdom: Sister Catherine Nehotte, OSB

August 2022
Wisdom, knowledge, a passion for her work and life as a sister, and a quick wit are a good summary of Sister Catherine, current Prioress of St. Paul’s Monastery. An example of her wit is when meeting on Zoom to plan for this article, and this writer’s microphone wasn’t working, Sister Catherine commented that this was some “real Benedictine silence!”
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Sisters’ Words of Wisdom: Sister Paula Hagen, OSB

June 2022
Sister Carol Rennie, OSB is originally from St. Cloud, Minnesota and came from a family of eight.  She Carol graduated from St. Joseph, High School in St. Cloud Minnesota and fondly remembers her siblings: Richard, John, Catherine, Mary Jane, and David.  Sister Carol was “lucky number five” and the youngest girl.
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Sisters’ Words of Wisdom: Sister Mary Lou Dummer, OSB

May 2022
In the Benedictine contemplative tradition, we are called to learn to balance prayer and work, Ora et Labora, balancing our being and our doing. For those who lean toward “doer”, this balancing act can be a bit of a challenge. This was the case for Sister Mary Lou Dummer, OSB, at least until the Spirit invited her into a space of “being” as a result of the COVID pandemic and its impact on the community of St. Paul’s Monastery.
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Reflection of St. Paul’s Monastery

May 2022
Reflection of St. Paul’s Monastery Written by Ann Siverling, OblSB As a Benedictine Oblate of St. Paul’s Monastery in Maplewood, MN, I have enjoyed the hospitality, support, and love of the Sisters for the past nine years. I can honestly say that there is no other place on this earth where I have felt so…
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Sisters’ Words of Wisdom: Sister Louise Inhofer, OSB

April 2022
Sister Louise Inhofer has served as the Monastic Librarian of St. Paul’s Monastery since 2011. She brings her great love of learning and reading to others in her role as Library Manager, and orders new books each year to maintain a diverse and enriching library collection. She takes pride in arranging an interesting assortment of books based on seasonal liturgical themes for the Sisters and challenging them to read and appreciate new material. The Monastery library is tastefully decorated throughout the year for the holidays: angels and bells at Christmas and stars for the Fourth of July. Currently, the library shelves are adorned with glittery purple butterflies, harbingers of a long-awaited spring.
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