
Initial Formation for Oblate Candidates of 2024-2025

On August 15, 2024, while the Assumption Feast went on throughout the Monastery and people focused on celebrating in community, eight others were partaking in a quieter practice. Initial Oblate Formation occurs every year at the Monastery starting in August. This year’s Oblate candidates come seeking God, community, and help and guidance for living a full Christian life guided by the teachings of Christ and interpreted by St. Benedict in his Rule. 

Oblate candidates delve deeply into The Rule of St. Benedict and the history involved in the building of Monastic traditions including the lives of St. Benedict and his twin sister, Scholastica. Oblate candidates also learn the history of the Sisters of St. Benedict and how they arrived in the United States.  

The Initial Formation group meets monthly, starting with evening prayer and then engaging in talks with those who have lived these traditions starting with our own Sisters and moving out to important thinkers like the Reverend Paul Tillman, OblSB as an example.  

This years’ participants are a mix of old and new as some have chosen to return and refresh their knowledge while renewing their commitment to live as an Oblate. Some new presenters as well as a new combination of people to journey with provides renewal Oblates further perspectives on faith and Benedictine spirituality. 

When candidates make their Final Oblation, their learning and support is not finished.  

2024 Oblate
Initial Formation

According to Ann Siverling, OblSB,  

 The plan is shaping up nicely for ongoing formation for the oblates beginning in September 2024 and going through July 2025. 

There are three important upcoming dates to remember: 

  •          Saturday, September 28, 2024 – Annual Retreat
  •          Thursday, October 24, 2024, – New Beginnings (for all oblates)
  •          Saturday, December 7, 2024 – Advent Retreat


The other themes of what the oblates will be exploring this year are: 

  •          Julian of Norwich
  •          Keeping Sabbath
  •          Living an oblate life of Service


In addition, in January new monthly meetings will be started (more to come on those). AND, spiritual practice groups continue to meet. 


Those who would make a good Oblate are seeking something deeper than they receive from church alone, according to Thomas Allen, OSB.  He tells us, “Within the last decade, various religious, quasi-religious, and personal growth movements have been springing up throughout the land… All of these signal a widely felt need for vital prayer or personal transformation.” Oblation offers a space for those making their way through these transformations to do so in community and participate in deep conversations with the potential to develop deep relationships. This community support often continues long after the actual formation meetings through spiritual practice groups.  

If you think you could be interested in entering Oblate formation for the year of 2025-2026, speak to Kami Pohl, OblSB before the deadline in June. She can be reached at kpohl@stpaulsmonastery.org or you can reach her through the Monastery’s main line: 651-777-8181.